Wednesday, June 10, 2009


March 26, 2009

This past week I heard a quote that intrigued me, and once again my juices of thought began to overflow.

"Anything that refreshes you without distracting, diminishing, or destroying your final goal is a legitimate pleasure."
Revi Zacharias

The importance of knowing at all times what the final goal is to which we are striving focuses everything we do in this life. I already have emailed this to a friend this past week, and I may have even included it on Facebook, but it worth repeating. Mr. Zacharias explains that God is a God of pleasure, he wants us to experience pleasures in this life, but within the context of that which will accomplish the goal that God has set before us. An answer in the catechism to the question..."Why has God created us?" is answered with..."To love him and glorify him forever." But are we to just sit around on our haunches enjoying God? Mr. Zacharias encourages people to spend time thinking and then annunciating for what we have been placed on this earth to do? What is it that God has specifically given you to do in this life that will cause you to love him more and glorify him? And when you establish the goal that you know God desires for you to accomplish on this earth, then everything is filtered through that goal. The activities you choose will be a pleasure to you if they only help to accomplish this final goal. Anything can be pleasurable, of course for the Christian, within God's standards, but if that pleasure interferes with the final goal, for you it is not a "legitimate pleasure."

Are we a very focused people knowing exactly what God has for us in this life?

Are we disciplined to carry out that goal, no matter how difficult?

Does establishing a strong focus and definite goal make our choices easier or more difficult?

Providing such a focus, does this create a more peaceful life or a life full of tension because of choices we have to make, much of which includes or does not include people around us?

Is there freedom, love, and grace in determining to live such a focused life in contrast to a possible legalistic lifestyle?

The questions could be endless, but what do you think? In contemplating this statement this week, the more I find myself agreeing with it. Would love to hear your thoughts in light of the world in which we live

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