Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Are we alive in Christ? There is only one instrument that creates, detects, and confirms eternal life in the soul of man; namely, the Word of God...What does this living and effective Word do? It pierces (Hebrews 4:12). For what purpose? To divide. To divide what? Soul and spirit. What does that mean?

The writer gives an analogy: It's like dividing joints and marrow. Joints are the thick, hard outer part of the bone. Marrow is the soft, tender, living inner part of the bone. That is an analogy of "soul and spirit." The Word of God is like a sword that is sharp enough to cut through the outer, hard, tough part of a bone to the inner, soft living part of the bone. Some swords, less sharp, may strike a bone and glance off and not penetrate. Some swords may penetrate partway through the tough, thick joint of a bone. But a very sharp, powerful double-edged sword (sharp on each side of the point) will penetrate the joint all the way to the marrow. "Soul and spirit" are like "bone joint and bone marrow." "Soul" is that invisible dimension of our life that we are by nature. "Spirit" is what we are by supernatural rebirth...Without the awakening, creative, regenerating work of the Spirit of God in us we are merely "natural" rather than "spiritual..." So the "spirit" is that invisible dimension of our life that we are by the regenerating work of the Spirt.

What then is the point in saying that the Word of God pierces to the "division of soul and spirit?" The point is that it's the Word of God that reveals to us our true selves. Are we spiritual or are we natural? Are we born of God and spiritually alive, or are we deceiving ourselves and spiritually dead? Are the "thoughts and intentions of our hearts" spiritual thoughts and intentions or only natural thoughts and intentions? Only the "word of God" can "judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart" (Heb. 4:12)

Practically speaking, when we read or hear "the word of God" we sense ourselves pierced. The effect of this piercing is to reveal whether there is spirit or not. Is there marrow and life in our bones? Or are we only a "skeleton" with no living marrow? Is there "spirit," or only "soul?" The Word of God pierces deep enough to show us the truth of our thoughts and our motives and our selves.

Give yourselves to this Word of God, the Bible. Use it to know yourself and confirm your own spiritual life. If there is life, there will be love and joy and a heart to obey the Word. Give yourself to this Word so that your words become the Word of God for others and reveal to them their own spiritual condition. Then in the wound of the Word, pour the balm of the Word.

These words are not mine, they are from a great writer, one whom I will mention at your request if you so desire. Make this your New Year's resolution, to allow God to pierce your soul and spirit, allowing you to come to grips with whether you are spiritual or only natural, and then turning your heart to God and allowing His love to overflow into your life this new year.

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